Sapphire and Topaz Silver Bronze Bracelet

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1 in Stock   –   $37.00

This particular bracelet holds lovely natural Indian sapphire and topaz gemstones. The sapphires are Earth mined but have been dyed to be a uniform colour. The bracelet is just gorgeous! It sparkles and shines! The gold colour around the stones is bronze. It is set in sterling silver plating!

Metaphysically, sapphire stimulates your psychic abilities, expands cosmic awareness and your connection to your Higher Self. It opens you up to the Higher octaves and brings you Spiritual Light. It produces the desire for prayer, has great healing energy, aids your power of concentration and assists greatly in meditation. The stone releases unwanted thoughts and brings joy and peace of mind by opening your mind to beauty and intuition.

Blue sapphire stimulates your Throat Chakra and assists in communication (including spiritual communications), attentiveness, inspiration and psychic awareness.

The sapphire bracelet is 2-3/4" x 2-1/8". Each 'round' is 1" in diameter.

Payment Methods:
VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover

Processing Time:
1-3 business days


For US residents, please note that tracking costs extra as I am shipping from Canada. If you would like tracking added, please let me know. It is an extra $5 cost. However, if you purchase $50 or more in total, I will pay for the tracking myself!

Orders usually arrive within a week within Canada.

For US, orders can take about 2 weeks. Of course, if customs holds the package, it can take longer.

Method Cost Each Additional Item
standard $10.00 $2.00
expedited $23.00 $9.00
United States
Method Cost Each Additional Item
standard $8.50 $2.00
expedited $23.00 $9.00