Pink pearl sideways cross bracelet, stacking bracelet

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5 in Stock   –   $17.00

Pink pearl beaded sideways cross bracelet, cross bracelet, pearl bracelet, stackable bracelet, pink bracelet, pink beaded bracelet, armcandy

This cute pink bracelet has a pretty rhinestone encrusted cross and is perfect for layering with other bracelets. I made it with pink glass pearls and strung it on wire for durability. It's 7" from end to end but if you need it bigger, let me know and I can adjust it

handmade with glass pearls, strung on wire, jump rings, metal cross , clasp, care, and love!

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PayPal, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover

Processing Time:
1-3 business days


1st class mail/parcel same day as payment unless its after hours, weekend, or holiday. then it will go out the next day.

United States
Method Cost Each Additional Item
standard $2.25 $0.25