custom commission paintings, stencils & spray paints,canvas art,

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Here are a few examples of recent commissions I have created for customers.

1- Fathers of the Revolution, for Naomi in Washington D.C, USA

2- Mia & Lily, for Mia in Cardiff, U.K.

3- Cinderella Zombie, U.K.

4- Abstract re working of photograph for customer in Belgium.

5- Margaret Thatcher with Chicago flag, for customer in Chicago, USA

if you would like a special commission doing from any photo or your imagination please message me here on Etsy, or contact me by email leonkeay [!at]

we can discuss what u would like including colours and sizes, then i normally work on it, then do a practice stencil first that you can look at, then when your happy i will paint the original for you and sort out the shipping.

i can work from any photo you have.

Payment Methods:
VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover

Processing Time:
1-3 business days

Everywhere Else
Method Cost Each Additional Item
standard $0.00 $0.00