Fiber Fancies

Shipping & Policies


Please inspect your items as soon as they arrive, and notify me within 5 days of delivery if there is any issue at all with your order.

Any returned items *must* be returned in the same condition as I sent them out in order to receive a full refund. Customer is responsible for return shipping. I must be notified of any issues within 5 days of receipt, and the item(s) must be returned within 10 days of receipt.

Custom orders will not be refundable, as the customer will be provided with full and detailed communication and pictures and asked for full approval of the project prior to the item(s) being shipped out.

If any damage to the packaging and item occurs in transit to you, please send photographs of both the item AND the packaging so that I can start an insurance claim with the carrier right away. I will make sure that things are made right for you as quickly as possible.

I want you to be happy and for your experience with me to be more than just satisfactory. After our transaction, I want you to be completely satisfied, happy, and confident with referring your friends and shopping with me again!


We use the USPS to ship - either First Class Package or Priority, whichever is most cost effective, and all with tracking provided.

Some items, such as handmade purses are heavier and require sturdier boxing, so will be sent Priority, which unfortunately is more expensive, but it's important to get those to their destination safely. Softer smaller items can go First Class Package mail and arrive safely for less cost to you.

If you have some other preference or need an item expedited, please contact us and let us know and we'll do our best to accommodate.

International buyers are responsible for any and all taxes, customs, duties, and other fees applied to their shipment by their local customs offices and regulations. Please be aware of what these costs will be to you prior to ordering, as I have no control over those fees. Those are controlled solely by your country and locale of destination and unfortunately, I have no ability to minimize or eliminate them. Insurance is added and included in my shipping fees to all locations outside of the United States.

Sometimes the shipping calculation system is not so great at figuring out an appropriate amount for multiple items. Where the calculated amount exceeds my shipping costs, I will refund overages to you upon dispatching your order.