Lamb Textile

Shipping & Policies

I accept payment by Paypal. Please make your payment within 48 hrs of purchase, contact me with any questions or concerns.

I offer international shipping. Items are carefully wrapped and shipped using Priority Mail from Monday-Friday within 1-3 business days of receiving payment.

Please note that shipping times vary depending on your location, so please be patient and contact me if you dont receive your order after a month. If you would like your item to be shipped using Registered Mail (this inlcudes a tracking number and is a safer option) please add 4$ - convo me to set up a custom listing for you to include this.

Once you receive your package, it would be lovely if you take some time to leave me feedback so that I know you are happy with your order.

I hope you’ll be happy with your purchase! If for any reason you’re not, I’ll do my best to solve the problem. Sorry, but I don’t exchange or refund custom orders.

Please note, that I will refund any packages lost in the mail only if they were sent using registered mail, so I strongly recommend that you upgrade to be on the safe side!