Have you ever owned a luxury bag made of Italian leather which has actually been made in Italy using ethical production practices? If you have owned one in the past, chances are that you would still be having it with you. Italian leather craftsmanship is known and praised the world over for its uniqueness. It does not lose its sheen with passage of time. Each Italian leather luxury bag that a craftsman produces in Italy is a unique creation in itself. These leather bags are not mass manufactured in a factory. A master craftsman spends hours to produce each single bag. He double stitches the handles as well as the rest of the bag to make it last a lifetime. Appropriate cushioning is provided on the inside of each compartment so that your valuable gadgets stay safe even while you are travelling.
In the modern world, one would often hear terms like mechanization, automation and digitization. But these terms don’t play any role when it comes to authentic made in Italy luxury bags. Each handmade Italian leather bag is a master piece in itself. Yet it is not perfect. The excellence achieved by the master craftsmen who play a role in turning out this piece make it a unique item. There is absolutely no compromise on the quality front. No two pieces of the luxury bags are identical. Yet, each piece so made in Italy is a collector’s item.
For making our luxury bags, we do not mass procure hides or leather at cheap rates. Each piece of the world famous Italian leather (hide) that we use is hand-picked by our experts from tanneries around Naples, Marche and Benevento. Skilled Italian craftsmen and women who have mastered the art of precision cutting of leather and sewing the bags for many generations use their expertise to churn out bags as per our designs made in Brooklyn, United States. So you get US customer service and Italian craftsmanship -- perhaps the best of both worlds, as they say!
Italian craftsmen employed at our workshop in Naples work under ethical production conditions and healthy working environment. We use good quality hardware, zippers and lining to bring you a truly world class product. The buckles and rivets are made in Italy using corrosion-free brass instead of the more common nickel. Nickel is not as strong as brass. It also rusts and tarnishes your leather bags. Our expertise in buying the best quality leather at affordable prices and our modest profit margins help us bring best quality Italian leather luxury bags at very down to earth prices.
The Japanese concept of Wabi-Sabi is our guiding principle for designing. It celebrates the ever-so transient and imperfect nature of all things. With all humility, we embrace the reality that:
Nothing is ever permanent,
Nothing is ever truly finished and
Nothing is really perfect.
We, therefore, celebrate the unique shape, coloring and markings of each Satch and Fable luxury bag which is simply an excellent creation by any standards. Time and use improve the character of the leather used for creating your bag. Gradually, the Italian leather luxury bag becomes more and more personalized. And soon it becomes an heirloom!
High quality Italian leather which we use in our luxury bags is very durable and can withstand every day wear and tear. Most nicks and scratches can simply be wiped away using a damp cloth. Vegetable tanned Italian leather has a unique appearance. The tanning marks give it a distinctive look. The amazing quality of the Italian leather and craftsmanship give it a distinct touch of class and elegance! So, why not order one now?