Thank you card, appreciation card, grateful heart card, handmade

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What better way to show your appreciation than with the red cream and black houndstooth thank you card.

The card measures 5X6.5" and has a ivory colored base. The front is embellished with houndstooth and polka dotted patterned papers as well as red cardstock. The words "With a grateful heart" are hand stamped. The finishing touches are the ribbon and three layered paper hearts that have rhinestone centers, as well as the rhinestones lining the bottom part of the red "banners".

The inside of the card is blank and the back is stamped with my store logo.

The card, along with an ivory colored envelope, come packaged in a clear cellophane baggie.

Payment Methods:
PayPal, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover

Processing Time:
1-3 business days

United States
Method Cost Each Additional Item
standard $2.00 $1.00