Anniversary card, wedding card, couple card, husband card, wife

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Need a card in a pinch? this card can be used for all sorts of "lovely" reasons: wedding card, anniversary card, card for your husband or wife, or even to include in an engagement gift.

The card measures 4.25X5.5" and has a black easel 9folds along the top, not the side) base. the card front is layered with a few patterned papers/cardstocks. The main focus is an image if two "love birds" that are cute from a patterned paper and adhered to the front of the card with foam adhesive, making them pop of the card. The word "forever" is hand stamped and added in the upper right hand of the card. You will also find 3 black rhinestones there as well. the inside of the card has been matted with a cardstock that matches the front scalloped cardstock, making it easier to write a note to the recipient on this black card.

The back has a matching circle that is stamped with my store logo attached.

The card includes a white envelope.

Payment Methods:
PayPal, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover

Processing Time:
1-3 business days

United States
Method Cost Each Additional Item
standard $2.00 $1.00