

thank you for taking the time to read this! im Jenn and ive always been creative and crafty. im kinda a "gypsy" as in ive lived all over! I spent the last 10yrs in Houston, TX and just moved to Minnesota (aahhhhh, talk about culture shock). I stay at home with my handicapped mother-in-law that I take care of, as well as my 2 daughters that are at that age of entering their teen years (another aahhhh), and my 4 furbabies . my cat and the family's 3 dogs ( which one of them is almost like taking care of another kid because he chews and gets into everything, not to mention 10 trips outside a day). my husband of 15yrs works almost from sun up to sun down, so we only see eachother for a little bit each night before he eats and goes right to bed :( I have a dream of having a successful shop to help make ends meet and be able to be with my family and love my work!! so please take a look around and I do accept custom orders! most of my jewelry can be customized as well!! just ask :)